A severe illness was consuming him. Within a short time, he was hospitalized and subjected to 24-hour care. He had his whole family by his side, he knew that this fatal disease would end his life and he wanted to fulfill his last wish: to be able to say goodbye to him. his dog Tommy.
This story of intense love and heartbreaking pain comes from Manizales, Colombia. It is the story of a 33-year-old man who feels that his life is closing. He is not alone in that difficult situation, he has his whole family by his side, but he is consumed by a fixed thought, one family member is missing: it is Tommy, an older 12-year-old dog, to whom the man is very attached and would like to see him one more time.
And so a great chain of solidarity is set in motion: thanks to the cooperation of the clinic team led by the hospitalization coordinator and the primary care physician, the family manages to bring the dog to the hospital facility.
A special visit lasting 20 minutes. The photos published by the hospital on social networks speak for themselves: on the one hand, a man whose body bears signs of illness, who cannot speak, but does not take his eyes off the dog, which was once black as coal and has now turned white. spend time
Twenty minutes to say goodbye, remembering a lot of beautiful moments spent together, and maybe we’ll meet in another world where we can go back to playing and having fun together. Twenty minutes, a short time, but enough for the man to find the peace he was looking for: a few hours later the patient stopped suffering and left this world.
The young man’s mother wrote on social networks: “Tommy has always been with us for 12 years, he was a very important part of my son and I am grateful that he was able to say goodbye to his beloved four-legged friend in the last minutes. He’s gone, go in peace.”