On the occasion of World Rabies Day, 30millionsdamis.fr takes stock of the rabies vaccine for our animals.
September 28, 2018 is World Rabies Day. For several years, The Ministry of Agriculture launches an awareness campaign against rabiesThe ministry recalls some basic advice for travellers and above all wants to prevent the occurrence of cases of rabies imported from abroad. Since rabies has effectively disappeared in France, the risk therefore exists in “imported” cases. To protect your animals, there is only one solution: vaccination. In fact, if an animal is infected with rabies in your area, all stray animals or those not vaccinated against rabies will be euthanized.
Why should I vaccinate my pet?
In France, rabies vaccination is not compulsory. On the other hand, it is the case as soon as you have to cross the border (even in Europe or in the French overseas territories) and for dogs in categories 1 and 2. In addition, “ People mistakenly think there is no risk if their pet stays at home! But I say “vaccinate him” because there is no zero risk and a rabies vaccination can save you from the worst. » advises Dr. Laetitia Barlerin, veterinarian.
What are the requirements for vaccination?
To vaccinate an animal against rabies, it must be identified by a microchip or tattoo. The vaccine is renewed every year, at the same time as all the animal’s other vaccines. ” Please note: If you are vaccinating your pet for the first time, please note that the vaccine is only effective after 3 weeks. » the vet remembers.
Who do we vaccinate?
Only dogs, cats and ferrets can be vaccinated against rabies. Your other NAC are not vaccinated because their risk of infection is low.
If you must travel, rabies vaccination is mandatory. ” If you are travelling to a country not free of rabies (North Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, etc.), you must bring a health certificate, a rabies vaccination and the animal’s passport confirming its identification. On your return, France will ask you for an “anti-rabies antibody titration” which is carried out 3 to 6 months before your departure. » explains Doctor Laetitia Barlerin.
What are the symptoms if my pet is infected?
This disease is transmitted through saliva, so be careful with scratches, bites and when the animal licks a skin injury. It can be transmitted to humans and other animals during the incubation period (10-15 days) before the first symptoms appear, because the animals then excrete the rabies virus in their saliva.
However, they can then develop different forms of rabies and the symptoms vary.” Generally, the animal suddenly changes its behavior overnight. It avoids contact, worries, tends to hide (especially in cats), becomes irritable: this is what we call “raging rabies” when the animal starts biting everyone. The other form of rabies is the one that causes neurological damage. The animal is paralyzed, it cannot bark, drink, eat or swallow. It will therefore drool a lot because paralysis of the larynx prevents it from swallowing its saliva. If symptoms appear, the animal dies within 5 days. »
As you will have understood, it is better not to put your pet at risk by not having it vaccinated against rabies. For a few euros more, your companion is protected! Peace of mind is priceless!