After the holidays, the change of rhythm and environment, our animals may experience minor health problems; and the return to school is a difficult milestone to overcome. asked Doctor Benjamin Capron for some good advice to follow for their well-being.
Holidays are a beneficial time for owners and animals, and offer everyone the opportunity to change scenery and recharge their batteries. However, the change of environment and habits can sometimes be accompanied by minor health problems. The start of the school year should therefore give everyone an orientation and be an opportunity to check the health of their companion. “During the holidays, the dogs and cats were more active than usual. They interacted with animals that could transmit diseases and parasites. They could also make some changes to their diet. This can lead to general weakening, especially in older people. That’s why it’s important to do a little health check after returning from the summer break.”explains Dr. Benjamin Capron, veterinarian.
Watch out for parasites
First reflex: Check that the animal is not contaminated with parasites such as worms or fleas. Summer is also the peak season for chiggers. Small orange-red mites, they attach themselves to the skin of our animals and cause severe itching and inflammation. Therefore, it is important to examine the fur carefully. Vomiting or diarrhea, even irregular, can also be an expression of contamination. In any case, deworming is necessary. ” This must be done four times a year, once per season. The start of the school year in September is a good time for the fall year », confides Dr. Capron.
Those who have been on holiday abroad, especially in tropical countries, should not stop the preventive treatments prescribed before departure. It is even recommended to continue them for two months after returning home. And if your pet has accompanied you to the South of France, Spain and Italy, watch out for leishmaniasis. This disease, transmitted by insect bites, can have more or less serious consequences for dogs, cats and other pets. Symptoms: appearance of skin lesions, deterioration of general condition (weight loss, depression). ” Note that leishmaniasis is a disease that affects animals over a long period of time. It can occur several months after infection, so it is important to monitor animals at least until January or February. » warns the vet.
A little blues?
Finally, you must make sure that your animal resumes its daily habits. Is he drinking well, is he emptying his bowls well? Loss of appetite, weight loss can indicate a clinical symptom… It can also be a small Attack of depression. Dogs, like people, are susceptible to the back-to-school blues. It’s difficult to be alone in an apartment after hiking the countryside and being surrounded by the whole family, so it’s important to spend time with him to help him gradually settle back in. Extending the evening walk, increasing play and cuddle times on the weekend are all small gestures that will help your companion find joy in life again.