The 7 dangers of autumn for our animals

5- Nuts

Walnuts and other nuts often found on the ground in autumn are not necessarily friends of the dog! Almonds, pecans and pistachios cause stomach pain. Nuts, especially their beetles, contain a poison that causes seizures. Be especially careful with macadamia nuts (Macadamia integrifolia and Macadamia tetraphylla), which cause weakness, vomiting, fever, abdominal pain and pale mucous membranes in dogs. According to a study by two Italian researchers in 2016, although fortunately no dog has died after eating macadamia nuts, care for 24 to 48 hours is still necessary.

Also note that beechnuts (almond-shaped beechnuts) are toxic to dogs in large quantities because they consist of tannins and trimethylamine. On the other hand, many wild animals eat them!

6- Seasonal trees: chestnut, yew, holly…

Many dogs find sticks everywhere when out for a walk! While you obviously need to make sure he doesn’t swallow too much wood (to avoid intestinal blockage), you also need to determine what type of tree it comes from. The leaves and buds of the horse chestnut tree are poisonous (see also the paragraph on chestnuts). The same goes for the yew tree, whose branches and fruit are poisonous to herbivores, birds, dogs and rabbits, and for the holly tree, whose “lLeaves and berries are poisonous to all species » although in “ Due to the sharp effect of the leaves, it is mainly the berries that are the cause of poisoning », states the Nantes Poison Control Center.

7- Hunting

Another danger – this unnatural one – also requires extreme attention during this period: hunters… who can also make your walk a living hell. Because if hunting is by definition a deadly danger for wild animals, it is also a deadly danger for our pets. This is demonstrated by the multiplication of hunting accidents: from dogs to Cats killed or injured by hunting pelletsthrough the Horses killed by hunting bullets… there is no shortage of examples. In addition, to avoid accidents, wear fluorescent clothing and attach a fluorescent accessory to your dog. Pay attention to the signs that mark the hunting areas and stay on the trails.

In summary, it is important to remain alert so that the walk with your pet remains a moment of shared relaxation and does not end in an emergency at the vet.

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