During periods of high temperatures or heat waves, precautions should be taken to avoid what is known as “heat stroke”. 30millionsdamis.fr reveals the advice of our veterinarians to give your animals a boost of freshness!
For more refreshment tips, check out our video!
1- Avoid walking in the heat
To give your pet some exercise, there’s nothing better than walks! But choose your time carefully: go out during the coolest hours (early morning or evening) so as not to weaken your animal. Remember to walk in the shade and avoid concrete: in fact, the temperature of the bitumen on the ground can reach 50 °C, which can cause serious burns on your dog’s paws.
In general, you should not force your dog to do unnecessary exercise during heat waves: do not jog in the heat!
2- Organize your house
To best insulate your home and keep it cool, close the shutters and turn on a fan. You can turn on the air conditioner, but only when it is moderate. Otherwise, it may cause breathing problems » explains Dr. Laetitia Barlerin. Another little tip: “ Leave rooms with tiled floors open: your animals will naturally lie on them. » she continues.
3- Freshness points
So that your pet can cool down independently, “ The trick is to place a damp towel on a clothes rack: your pet will naturally stay in this humid microclimate! » reveals the vet. You can also leave wet towels near his basket or wrap ice packs in a towel.
4- Unlimited water!
Animals need to drink fluids just like we do! It is recommended to choose a water fountain: Drinking fountains that always provide fresh, filtered water encourage your pet to drink “. Otherwise, regularly fill the water bowl with cold water, but not with ice water, as this would cause thermal shock! To encourage your cat to drink, veterinarian Cyril Berg also recommends seasoning the water in your bowl with the juice from a can of tuna.
5- Cool the ends!
Dogs and cats have difficulty releasing heat. You can therefore reduce their body temperature by primarily cooling their head and paws. How? For cats, apply a damp washcloth to their head or to their entire coat. A dog also wants to refresh its paws after a walk: you can soak compresses in water and place them on the paws. Immediate effect guaranteed!
If your pet is not too anxious, a spray will also help. ” If your cat is scared, spray the mist on your hand and then apply it to the fur » she advises.
6- A well-ventilated coat
” Contrary to popular belief, you should not shave your pet in summer! The hair protects against UV rays, dehydration and enables thermoregulation » she explains. However, do not hesitate to brush your pet daily to air the coat and remove the dead hair that clogs it.
7- A bath and then it comes back…
If you have the opportunity, do not hesitate to take your dog near a water source (lake, spring, beach, private swimming pool, etc.) where dogs are tolerated (View the map of pet-friendly beaches). ” Dogs also have fun when you wet them with a simple garden hose » smiles Laetitia Barlerin.
8- A rehydrating bowl
You’ve probably noticed that dry food for dogs and cats is dry and therefore dehydrated. They tend to make your pet thirsty and he compensates by drinking a lot of water. In the event of a heatwave, you can prevent your pet from getting thirsty unnecessarily by making the kibble wet! You can also add foods rich in water such as zucchini, cucumber or carrots. If you want, you can also offer him homemade ice cream that you prepare yourself: Recipes in our article.
” For cats, I recommend giving more food in cans or bags in the summer. If you don’t have any health problems, you can also give cat milk in addition to water » she suggests.
Also offer rodents fresh vegetables and fruits to keep them hydrated, and don’t forget to check that their water bottle is working well!
9- In the car Simone!
” Place a damp towel on your pet’s carrier or an ice pack under their bassinet during travel » suggests Laëtitia Barlerin. Do not use the air conditioning too often: too cold can cause breathing problems, a runny nose or even an ear infection. ” Pay particular attention to young and older animals, who are more sensitive to temperature fluctuations. » she adds.
Finally, do not leave your pet locked in the car. The 30 Million Friends Foundation reminds us that an animal in a car exposed to direct sunlight can die in a matter of minutes. In fact, the temperature in the passenger compartment can reach and exceed 40 °C in less than 10 minutes, being fatal for the animal trapped there.
10- Heat stroke: good reflexes
Is your pet panting, has red eyes and is breathing very quickly? He has suffered from heat stroke. He must be given care as quickly as possible to avoid cerebral edema. ” Wrap your pet’s body in a damp towel Then urgently consult a veterinarian »warns the vet. All our advice in Our article “Summer: Beware of heat stroke!”.