With the arrival of the good weather, ticks and fleas inevitably return and spare neither dogs nor cats. 30millionsdamis.fr reviews the solutions to protect your pet from seasonal problems.
The arrival of spring brings joy to owners, but not necessarily to their furry companions. The rise in temperature is inevitably accompanied by the reappearance of fleas, which experience a peak of their resurgence at this time. The tick also takes advantage of the return of heat to poison the life of your pet.
Therefore, caution is advised: animals that live mostly indoors are particularly exposed to ground fleas, whose larvae can breed in wood for a year before colonizing the fur. The tick, which is found in forests and gardens, can transmit serious dog diseases such as ehrlichiosis and Lyme disease.
Prevent pests
Detecting the presence of unwanted insects on your pet is not easy: the discovery of small black balls – which are actually excrement – indicates that your pet is carrying fleas. If he scratches himself or you notice hair loss on his belly, back and the ends of his legs, it is time to treat him.
In the case of ticks, it is easier because the insect is larger: you just need to carefully observe the animal or gently run your hand through its hair to feel the blistering under your fingers. Since three days are enough for the tick to transmit a disease, it must be removed as soon as possible, taking care to grasp it completely, including the head (with tweezers or tick tweezers, turning on itself without pulling until the tick comes off). A vaccine against piroplasmosis (tick disease): Ask your veterinarian.
In case of infection with parasites, the consequences for your companion will be less unpleasant if you have carried out a preventive treatment, applied it at the end of winter, bought it at the pharmacy or at the vet. Necklace, spray or diffuser, there are many formats. You must also take care to treat baskets, carpets, armchairs, as well as all the places to which the animal has access. Do not postpone this task: once on the animal, the flea lays up to 100 eggs a day!
Big spring cleaning
This period is often the time to do a major cleaning; it is very likely that your pet will lose hair and the hair will invade your environment. Do not hesitate to brush regularly… This also has the advantage of allowing you to better detect parasites. Although it is advisable to wash your dog from time to time to free him from dust and various skin problems, you should also be aware that too many baths damage the skin. If your pet is particularly reserved, a damp glove passed over the fur will help. With cats, it is easier: they are naturally clean and wash themselves daily. However, during shedding, a cat can ingest large amounts of hair by licking itself, which can be dangerous and cause blockages. Regular brushing will help prevent this accident. And don’t forget: your pet can also be affected by allergic reactions such as dermatitis. Do not hesitate to see your veterinarian for a complete examination.
Nature, a danger
In spring, everything blooms! But be careful on your walks, because small plant bodies such as spikelets that cling to the fur and sometimes get stuck in the eyes and ears can have serious consequences. Especially for dogs and cats with long hair, it is strongly recommended to brush the fur daily and to check the fur after each walk.