After almost 20 years: Discounter Lidl completely ceases travel business

According to a report by “ Food Journal Lidl plans to completely discontinue its travel offerings. There have been several changes in the discounter’s travel business in the past. The division is expected to be discontinued at the end of this year.

Lidl has been operating in the travel industry since 2006 and expanded its offering in 2016 when the company became a tour operator. In 2020, it arrived during the crownThe pandemic brought about a major change when Lidl abandoned its tour operator business. As a result, around 100 employees lost their jobs at Lidl. However, cooperation with partner tour operators such as Falk Travel, FTI subsidiary Big Xtra, HTH Hanse Touristik Hamburg, Clevertours and others is expected to continue. Now Lidl seems to want to stop offering package tours by the end of the year.

A message from Lidl to its partner tour operators indicates that the discounter will discontinue its travel offers. Lidl itself did not comment further.

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This step is taking place despite the fact that the discounter’s subsidiary has a turnover of around 125 billion euros. In comparison, the turnover of the travel sector is estimated at around 200 million euros. Other retailers such as Aldi, Edeka and the Rewe Group continue to offer travel to their customers.

Subsidiary Kaufland stopped offering travel in 2020, and Tchibo also closed its travel business last year. It seems that the travel business is not particularly profitable for these companies.

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