6 preconceived ideas about the grief of our 30 million friends

Losing an animal is a painful ordeal. But what about what our companions feel when they themselves lose their master or one of their own kind? With the help of Dr. Lætitia Barlerin, 30millionsdamis.fr examines the widespread prejudices about the grief of our animals.

1/ “An animal cannot go through the mourning phase“.

Fake. Grief is not just a human issue! When faced with the loss of a loved one – be it human or fellow human – animals are not left out and their suffering is very real. For example, if two animals lived together as best friends, the death of one of them can have a terrible effect on the remaining animal.

Animals are sentient, recalls Dr. Lætitia Barlerin, veterinarian and behavioural researcher. Of course, they are not aware of death itself, but it is the absence of the other that they will feel. »

Loss of appetite, lethargy, lack of sleep or lack of interest in their favorite toy: when our little companion shows these symptoms, we speak of “depression”. These behavioral changes can be minor… or they can become more worrying.

2/ “Like a human, the animal can become depressed if the pain is too strong“.

Yes. If the deficiency is too great, the animal will develop a kind of depression. The symptoms are often easy to recognize: the animal stops moving, stops eating, moans constantly, etc. It is therefore important to see your veterinarian.

“As with any other disease, treatment is necessary. For our part, we can help him thanks to various medical techniques or herbal medicine.”, explains Dr. Barlerin.

Pheromone diffusers are also excellent solutions. These substances, naturally released by animals, allow them to communicate with each other. Calming pheromones can help grieving animals who are confused and stressed by changes (absence of a companion, disappearance of rituals, mourning their owners).

3/ “You must take your animal with you when another animal is euthanized so that it understands its death.

Above all, don’t follow the advice you can find on the internet. As mentioned above, animals are not aware of death per se. Therefore, it is pointless to expose them to such stressful situations…

Are you aware of the violence? Your companion will be confronted with tears, stress pheromones from his companion and he will not want to return to a veterinary clinic. », warns L. Barlerin.

4/ “The cat’s grief is less important than the dog’s.

Fake. Unfortunately, the cat leaves behind the sad reputation of indifference towards others. But this statement is completely false. Domestic cats are real stressors. The loss associated with the loss of a loved one can be a terrible time for them.

The cat is an emotional sponge and a ritual animal. The death of a friend or owner will destroy its habits, indicates the practitioner. The entourage must be extremely present. It’s time to cuddle, snuggle, play and, above all, talk to him! »

5/ “To comfort him, you have to make him do things that are normally forbidden.

NO. Imposing too many restrictions on him could harm him in the future. To calm him down, opt for long walks instead. During this difficult period of grief, it is important to keep the mind occupied. If it is receptive to games or caresses, do not deny them and remain sensible.

For the dog, you have to change his mind. Go outside, change your usual walking route “. Doctor Barlerin even adds that it is beneficial to spend a few days of vacation with your pet; he needs to meet new dogs. »

6/ “When you adopt a new animal, your little companion can fill the gap.

This is certainly true. When an animal has spent much of its life with a friend, losing it can turn everything upside down, and welcoming a new little ball of fur can help fill that gap: ” For an animal that is used to community life, I advise you to think about adopting a new playmate. », confides Laetitia Barlerin.

However, the veterinarian warns against haste: “ Taking an animal home immediately can be dangerous for this new arrival. The grieving process must be completed before any new adoption. The new companion must be desirable and not a toy animal ».

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